
Sunday, March 29, 2009

MTNA National Convention 2009 - Today's Loot

(Click here to see all of my posts on the 2009 MTNA National Convention.)

Three of the best things about attending conventions like this one are the opportunity to meet the people who create teaching materials, the free stuff, and the products available at discounts from exhibitors.

Today, I met Dennis Alexander (pictured at left) who graciously autographed one of his new Alfred elementary sheets for my daughter. I got the sheet music as a free gift at the Alfred exhibit. I also met J. Renee Lacy, the creator of a software program called Ear Training Expedition. She gave me a one-on-one demo of the program and wasn't at all annoyed when I peppered her with questions about how she uses a computer lab in her private teaching studio. I bought the program and now have plans to incorporate a computer lab into my own studio next school year.

Besides the sheet music, I scored more free loot today - 2 free issues of Clavier Companion, a Level 5 lesson book from the Alfred Premier Piano Course, and a volume of Debussy’s Children’s Corner with CD included from the Schirmer Performance Editions, Hal Leonard. Can't wait to see what I get tomorrow!

I attended 2 other seminars worth posting about today, but I don't think I'll be able to get everything up on a daily basis! So, stay tuned for much more.

1 comment:

  1. This is great, Laura! I remember coming home with so much free stuff that it more than covered the cost of the conference registration!


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