
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Conference Loot and Conference Recordings

(Click here to see all of my posts about the 2009 MTNA National Conference in Atlanta.)

One of the benefits of attending the MTNA National Conference in Atlanta was bringing home tons of free material. Not included in this picture are 3 canvas tote bags, another set of flashcards, and a T-shirt. Click on the picture to enlarge it and see all the great titles. I added up the retail prices and came up with a rough amount of more than $260 in free stuff that I brought home. Considering that I paid $305 for early conference registration, that's a nice amount to offset the cost of attendance. If I had gotten around to all of the exhibits earlier before they gave out of some of their freebies, my loot would have exceeded the registration fee. I plan to write some product reviews and post them here, so stay tuned!

Another great deal is available to all MTNA members - a full set of conference seminar recordings for only $35 ($40.63 with GA sales tax and shipping.) This is an incredible bargain considering that there are over 100 seminars included. That's about 40 cents per seminar. You can buy recordings of the individual sessions for $15 each if you purchase them singly, but why in the world would you do that? The order form is available on pg. 77 of the April/May 2009 issue of American Music Teacher, and you can also order online here.

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