
Monday, July 25, 2011

Piano Parent Tip: Manners Matter

Photo by J.A.Holland
Over the years, I've taught students whose manners ranged from impeccable to the ones who constantly interrupt conversations, speak to me in sullen monosyllables, and one memorable student who, while I was having a conversation with her mother, decided to go upstairs and explore my closet. I've had siblings who were waiting for their own lesson go into my kitchen, check the contents of the refrigerator, and come back to ask if they could have some pie!

I've learned that I have to give students boundaries when they come into my home, and I have to teach them how to interact with me. This job is a lot easier when I'm reiterating what the student has already learned from the parents. You can help your child feel more confident and help me be a more successful teacher by emphasizing just five important behaviors.

Etiquette For Piano Students

1. Whether lessons take place in a home or a business setting, students should be respectful of the equipment and objects in the room and ask permission before touching.

2. Students should not bring food and drink to the lesson.

3. Students should ask permission before going into other rooms of the home or business.

4. Students should not interrupt others' conversations unless there is an emergency that needs to be attended to, and when interrupting should say, "Excuse me."

5. Students should listen respectfully to the teacher and try their best to follow instructions with a positive, can-do attitude.

Thanks in advance for your support!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Thanks for the advise. I'm definitely going to set these rules in my studio. I've had students roam my house while talking to their parent as well.


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