
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Playing For The Love Of It

UPDATE:  Nancy Williams is no longer publishing under her old blog name as described here. She has a new online magazine, Grand Piano Passion. Hope you'll visit it!

A couple of weeks ago, I shared a link to a beautiful blog I had discovered, Nancy Williams' Reflections On A Grand Passion. I particularly enjoy following a series Nancy posts on the fourth Monday of each month spotlighting an adult amateur pianist. It restores my faith in the world to know that there are those who dedicate themselves to the serious study of music solely for love of the art. Nancy has featured an attorney researcher-writer, a sales representative, an abstract painter, an astrophysicist, an airline pilot, and most recently, a creative director, all of whom are accomplished musicians in addition to their non-musical professions.  The latest of these posts features a fine pianist,  Glenn Kramer, who is also the founder of the webpage Amateur Pianists.

I hope you'll visit Nancy's blog and lend your support to her efforts as well as the efforts of these devoted musicians! Nancy is also working on a book that I think looks very intriguing. From her pages:  "Forgotten Prelude: A Memoir of Reclaiming the Piano narrates the story of how returning to the piano as an adult helped me to remember a Prelude from the year I turned sixteen and, in so doing, retrieve a submerged part of myself." I look forward to reading it!

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